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Are the Packages Kosher?

All of the food items we buy are packaged items and are purchased from other companies located in Judea and Samaria. We do not produce any of the food ourselves.

All of the items we include in our boxes are certified kosher under different rabbinical supervisions. Some of the supervisions of our products include the following:

Badatz Eidah Charedit
Badatz Beit Yosef
Mehadrin Rav Avraham Rubin
Mehadrin Rav Eliyahu Abba Shaul
Mehadrin Rav Eliezer Altschuler
Hashgachat Rav Dov Lior
Badatz Iggud Rabbanim
Rabbi Y. Abba Shaul – Gush Etziyon
Rabbi S. Drori – Kiryat Shmonah
Orthodox Union

Lev Haolam does our best to provide high standard kosher items in our packages.

Additionally, we are always on the lookout for new items to include, so the supervisions will not always be the same as listed, but they will be of similar standards.